Facilitating Change with Ease: A Critical Skill for Project Leaders

A project manager presenting in a modern office to her two colleagues

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, mastering the nuances of change management has become a necessity. Project managers find themselves at the heart of this transformation, steering projects that introduce significant shifts within organisations. It is imperative for project management and change management to work seamlessly together.

A Harmonious Dance: Projects and Change Management

Managing a project involves ensuring the completion of tasks, achieving set goals, and wrapping up projects on time and within budget. Concurrently, change management focuses on preparing and guiding individuals through the new practices introduced by the project. Project managers play a vital role in this dance, leading their teams through transitions whilst ensuring everyone is in sync. Today’s project managers need to excel in both task management and facilitating change.

People at the Core of Change

Changes instigated by projects inevitably impact people. Therefore, project managers must become adept at guiding their teams through these changes, ensuring that the new ways of working are adopted and sustained.

Mastering Change with CML 5Es

To excel in change management, project managers can adopt the CML 5Es framework, a comprehensive approach that aligns seamlessly with project management principles to ensure enduring change.

The CML 5Es Framework: Ensuring Sustained Change

The CML 5Es framework comprises:

  1. Exploring: Gaining an in-depth understanding of the current scenario to discern ‘why’ change is imperative. This stage involves evaluating the present environment, identifying the necessary changes, and elucidating the reasons behind them.
  2. Enabling: Assessing the extensive impacts of change on all involved stakeholders. Detailed analysis is required to understand how different groups will be affected and the specific challenges they may face.
  3. Engaging: Initiating open dialogues with stakeholders, whilst also providing them with the required training and resources to navigate through change. Building a supportive environment is crucial for fostering readiness and ensuring unanimity.
  4. Emerging: Ensuring all parties are change-ready and that all necessary preparations are in place. This stage is critical to confirm that every stakeholder is primed and ready to transition to the new operational methods.
  5. Embedding: Cementing the change to ensure its permanence within the organisation’s culture. This final stage involves reinforcing the change, monitoring ongoing progress, and implementing any required adjustments to guarantee lasting success.

Become a Certified Change Delivery Professional

Join our forthcoming course from 23-25 November and evolve into a Certified Change Delivery Professional. In just three days, you’ll acquire the expertise to navigate change adeptly, ensuring your projects not only reach completion but also make a meaningful impact.

Conclusion: Embracing Change for Success


In summation, today’s project managers must excel at both managing tasks and leading their teams through transitions. By doing so, projects are not only completed but also contribute positively to the organisation’s growth and success. Enrol in our course to hone these skills and elevate your projects to new heights!

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