ProChange Professional™

Mastering Integrated Project and Change Management

What is the ProChange Model?

The ProChange Model is a holistic approach that combines the project and change lifecycles to manage projects effectively. This integrated model emphasizes the importance of addressing both the technical aspects of a project and the human factors involved in change.

A ProChange Professional embodies mastery in both project and change management, seamlessly integrating these disciplines with a people-centered approach. This unique combination ensures continuous stakeholder engagement throughout the process, fostering successful outcomes.


ProChange Model

A diagram illustrating the ProChange Model, which integrates project and change management lifecycles. The model is depicted using a sequence of interconnected hexagons, each representing a different phase of the process: Scope, Explore, Plan, Enable, Test, Emerge, Deploy, and Embed. The hexagons alternate between shades of blue and orange, with arrows indicating the flow from one phase to the next, emphasizing the iterative and cohesive nature of the model. This visual representation highlights the seamless transition between phases and the continuous engagement of stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

The ProChange Professional™

A ProChange Professional is not just an expert in change management or project management. They possess a comprehensive understanding of both fields and can adapt techniques to suit various projects or organisational changes. This dual expertise allows them to perform effectively in roles that require managing the technical and human aspects of change.

Key Capabilities of a ProChange Professional:

  • Holistic Management: Ability to oversee both the technical execution of projects and the human elements of change.
  • Adaptability: Skilled in adapting the ProChange Model to fit the specific needs of different projects or organisations.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Proficient in engaging stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle to ensure buy-in and reduce resistance.


Master Both Sides of Change

Project Management vs. Change Management

Project Management:

Focus: Primarily concerned with the technical aspects of delivering a project on time, within scope, and on budget. Activities: Includes planning, executing, and closing projects. Involves defining objectives, managing resources, and monitoring progress. Outcome: Successful completion of the project deliverables.
Two women are engaged in a lively conversation in a modern office setting. The woman on the left, with curly hair and glasses, is laughing joyfully while working on her laptop. She is dressed in a light-colored, sleeveless top. The woman on the right, partially visible, appears to be speaking animatedly, wearing a light blouse. The atmosphere is friendly and collaborative, suggesting a positive and engaging work environment. A blurred figure in the foreground adds depth to the image.

Change Management:

Focus: Centres on the human side of change, ensuring that people within the organisation adopt and embrace the new ways of working. Activities: Includes communication, training, and support to help people transition from the old way of doing things to the new. Outcome: Ensuring that the change is effectively integrated and sustained within the organisation.
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