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Social Impact

Next Generation

Community Outreach.

Instilling confidence and enabling the future generation to lead with Impact.

We partner with universities and secondary schools to create awareness about careers in change and transformation, provide free workshops, as a part of our outreach projects and have a social impact on the surrounding.


Ethnic workers are more than twice (2.2 times) as likely as white workers to face unemployment, this highlights a critical barrier to social mobility.

The  unemployment rate currently stands at 7.0 per cent compared to 3.2 per cent for white workers.

Did You Know…

The under-representation of ethnic individuals in higher-paying roles, such as managers and skilled trades, points to the obstacles BME workers face in achieving upward social mobility. These disparities not only mirror issues of racial inequality but also directly impede the ability of BME communities to advance economically and socially, emphasising the need for targeted actions to ensure equal opportunities for all.

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