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A young man in an orange sweater and blue pants poses against a plain white background. He is wearing a black beanie and has a tattoo on his forearm. His right hand is raised near his face, and he gazes to his left with a thoughtful expression

Who Really Cares About Taking a People-Centred Approach When Transforming?

At Change Management Library (CML), we believe that successful transformations are deeply rooted in a people-centred approach. This philosophy places people at the heart of ...
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Healthcare Trends. Here is a description for the second image you uploaded: A healthcare professional, wearing a black uniform and a stethoscope around their neck, is seen writing on a clipboard with a bright green border. The person's face is not visible, focusing attention on the act of writing and the stethoscope. The blue pen in their hand contrasts with the green clipboard, suggesting a clinical setting. The background is slightly blurred, ensuring that the primary focus remains on the healthcare professional's hands and the clipboard.

Navigating the Future: 7 Evolving Trends Primary Health Care Providers Must Embrace

The healthcare industry has always intrigued and bothered me simultaneously. I admire the collective strength and efforts of healthcare professionals who go the extra mile ...
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Navigating the Future: 7 Evolving Trends Primary Health Care Providers Must Embrace

The healthcare industry has always intrigued and bothered me simultaneously. I admire the collective strength and efforts of healthcare professionals who go the extra mile ...
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This image features three humanoid robots of varying sizes, arranged in a line and seemingly advancing towards the viewer on a white, reflective surface. The robots are depicted with intricate details showing joints, panels, and mechanical components, all rendered in a metallic silver color. Their design is sleek and modern, highlighting the sophistication of robotics technology in AI in Change Management. The background is plain white, emphasizing the clean and minimalistic aesthetic of the scene.

AI Friend or Foe

Let us tell you something amazing. A long time ago, let’s say… 10 years ago, when someone mentioned AI (Artificial Intelligence), thoughts flew to robots ...
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Close-up view of a computer monitor displaying text about ChatGPT, a conversational model developed by OpenAI. The screen is partially illuminated by vibrant pink and green light reflecting off a nearby keyboard. The focus is on the text 'ChatGPT' on the monitor, with the background and keyboard slightly blurred

Is Modern ChatGPT Too Human?

Today, AI is one of the most popular, fastest-growing, and most successful techs globally. From giant corporations to small enterprises, AI is now being used ...
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My Vision for Inclusive Change with Change Management Library

From the very outset of founding Change Management Library (CML) in 2022, my vision was clear: to revolutionise the field of change management by infusing ...
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A project manager presenting in a modern office to her two colleagues

Facilitating Change with Ease: A Critical Skill for Project Leaders

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, mastering the nuances of change management has become a necessity. Project managers find themselves at the heart of this transformation, ...
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Navigating Change in the Tech Era: Unveiling the Power of the CML 5Es™

In a time when the only constants are change and rapid tech evolution, businesses can’t afford slow, bulky change management processes. They need agile, efficient ...
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Illustration of a CML 5Es Change Management model design used for our Change management training and consulting services

Other Change Management Models Vs CML 5Es

We’ve all heard about the need for companies to adapt and embrace change, but it’s a bigger challenge than many organisations realise. Change management is ...
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Two diverse professional women sitting on the chair having a conversation.

Integrating Change in your Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

It is that time for organisations to change for the better. What do we mean? Organisations should integrate change in their diversity and inclusion efforts ...
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Dear Project Managers… an open letter from your Change counterparts!  

Project management and change management often find themselves at war with one another. This article looks to explore some of the common pitfalls these two ...
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Organisational Design Workshop session

CML’s recommendations to Leaders on what to leave, keep and grow into for 2023 

We’re now in a new year! Have your leadership teams reflected on how you can best learn the lessons from the past and thrive this ...
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