Our Consultancy Services


At Change Management Library, a delivery-focused mindset is at the heart of our services. Our team specialises in facilitating impactful change to both healthcare and public sector organisations, focusing on the most critical asset of any organisation: its people. 

Proven Techniques for Results

We leverage our own proven techniques to ensure that our consultancy services deliver tangible results. Our methodologies include the ProChange Methodology, which aligns change and project management for technical implementation, the COMMS Framework for robust communication delivery, and the CML 5Es for end-to-end change management.

The image features a sequence of five hexagons interconnected by arrows in a clockwise circular pattern. Starting from the left and moving clockwise, the first and fourth hexagons are filled with a solid orange color. The second, third, and fifth hexagons are outlined in orange with a white fill. Each hexagon contains an uppercase word associated with a step in a process: The first hexagon contains the word "EXPLORE." The second hexagon, which is connected to the first by a curved arrow, contains the word "ENGAGE." Connected to the second by another curved arrow, the third hexagon contains the word "ENABLE." The fourth hexagon, following the third with a curved arrow, contains the word "EMERGE." Finally, a curved arrow leads to the fifth hexagon from the fourth, which contains the word "EMBED." The curved arrows between the hexagons suggest a flow or progression from one concept to the next, indicating a cyclical process or methodology. This is apart of out Change Management Diverse Delivery to organisations.

Agile Approach

Our agile approach allows us to remain responsive and adaptive to the changing dynamics of each project. We tailor our methods to suit the specific needs and environments of our clients, ensuring effective and impactful solutions.

Our Core Values - How We Interact with the World

Plain white pentagon with a dark blue border and the number one in the middle.

Passion : We drive every initiative with enthusiasm and commitment, fuelling our mission to deliver transformative change with impact.

Plain white pentagon with a dark blue border and the number two in the middle.

People : We deeply value and invest in empowering teams, recognising that strength lies in collective talent and who share similar social mobility experiences.

Plain white pentagon with a dark blue border and the number three in the middle.

Inclusion: Embracing diversity in all its forms, fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued.

Plain white pentagon with a dark blue border and the number four in the middle.

Results-Oriented : As well as tangible outputs, we focus on impactful outcomes, ensuring every project not only meets but exceeds our clients' expectations.

Innovation : We continually push boundaries to find creative solutions, keeping us adaptable and ahead in a constantly evolving landscape.

Our Services

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